Web Development Training Classes in Coimbatore, PHP Courses, Web Design Training in Coimbatore

Web Development Training
We are leading centre for new digital media,Duratech is the ideal place to study Web Development and Interactive Design. Here you will receive the city's only program which offers a 50-50 split between web design and development, all under the guidance of working professionals in the field. Our program is dedicated to giving you the necessary skills for your career as a web developer or designer.

Our Training Phases (Duration-3 Months)
Phase1 - Designing
Training starts from basic web page building blocks to multimedia image editing and designing.
Phase 1 - covers : Introduction to web technology, HTML5 - CSS3 - Photoshop
Candidate will gain strong understanding of UI, cross-browser compatibility, general web functions and designing standards. Deep expertise and hands on experience with Web design using programming languages such as HTML and CSS, along with that student will be capable to designing using photoshop.

Phase2- Development
Development phase starts from entry-level coding to high level server side scripting and gain strong understanding of web programming languages
Phase 2 - covers : Sever side scripting, PHP, MySQL, Java Script, AJAX
Through the training student will be familiar with client-side scripting and/or server-side scripting. Additionally, candidate will have some familiarity with database creation and maintenance. Combining Phase1 and phase2 ie, enhancing the programmatic output through presentational manipulation.

Phase3- Content Management System
Training moves to the next level wherein the candidates will be introduced to the new technology CMS
Phase 3 - covers : Wordpress, Joomla, Opencart
Through this phase of training student will gain good knowledge about what is CMS and benefits of using CMS. What is e-commerce site. Candidate will be exposed to integrate modules, components and plugins in CMS. A live project will be given to the candidate in this phase.

Phase4- SEO and Deployment
Final phase of training covers Search Engine Optimization(SEO) and a practical approach for hosting the site on web.
Phase 4 Covers- SEO, Deployment of the site
In web technology this is the most important phase where the student will be given a detailed skill development on SEO's site ranking and how to host a website, without which the course will not be fulfilled.

About Us
We are Duratech Solutions! We offer Web development, Cloud Computing, R Language, Hadoop Bigdata, MongoDB, SEO, Mobile Applications, Enterprise cloud deployment services and data analytics services under one roof. We are an end-to-end solutions provider across platforms and devices.

Contact: +91-89400 03640

320N,Arpee Complex,
NSR Road,
SaiBaba Colony,

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